While we may not be able to meet together this year in real space and time, that will not stop us being in virtual space and time to enjoy the 2020 Oundle International Virtual Festival! This five-day long online event will feature recorded and live material showcasing the range of work we normally present.
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous supporter, I have been able to commission some of our performers to record videos especially for the Virtual Festival, while others have generously provided new or existing recordings for us all to enjoy. Every day during the Virtual Festival, we will post new material. The videos are all around 5-10 minutes. After their initial posting they will remain on our website for you to enjoy again and again!
We will also be presenting The Price of a Bed for the Night, a speciallycommissioned mini-series. Accessed via our website, at 4.30pm every day during the Virtual Festival, storyteller Jo Blake Cave will present and enchant us with the continuing story with music by Rimski & Handkerchief. What is a story worth? When you’re down on your luck and all spent out, a story or a song might be all you have... but it is worth its weight in gold. And, as one traveller finds out, to have no story to tell can lead to a night spent out in the cold! Come join us as we wander into the strange world of folk and fairytale, where, under the light of the moon and in the flicker of the firelight, not everything is as it seems. As you listen, fill your pockets with stories... you never know when you might need one. Each day a new episode of a continuing story, and an activity to try at home! Suitable for family audiences, 5+ and story lovers of all ages.
Since this is a Virtual Festival, it can be accessed via our website - https://www.oundlefestival.org.uk - from anywhere in the world. This year, you can help bring the world to Oundle by forwarding this information to all your contacts anywhere around the globe!
I hope you enjoy the Virtual Festival and that we can all meet again in person in 2021.
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