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22nd July 2020

Arts Arts

The first ever Daventry Unframed arts festival is set to show Daventry in its true colours this week, by showcasing work from the town's community artists. Eight local creatives whose talents range from illustration, painting, photography and print, to digital art, will be exhibiting their collections in gallery spaces within the shops and cafes. They will be connected by an art trail to encourage visitors to discover Daventry and enjoy the historic town centre.

The month-long festival starts this week aligning with the school summer holiday period, and will see each artist staging an exhibition of their work in a local shop for the minimum of a two-week period. Details of each artist can be found in a catalogue available in every venue where the art is being displayed.

The art trail is part of the forum's & 'Keep Daventry Weird' mission, to expand the range of specialist and independent retailers in the town, and to build on the town's programme of festivals and events, to create a unique and original experience for visitors. Visitors can keep up to date with Daventry Unframed 2020, things to do in Daventry, cafe society and all our specialist independent shops, special offers and promotions by following the 'Discover Daventry' Facebook page.

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