The Love Lamb Week campaign runs from 1st– 7th September each year and this time around the campaign has had a focus on the sustainability benefits of sheep farming in the UK, as well as promoting the nutritional value of the meat.
The campaign was originally founded by Cumbrian sheep farmer Rachel Lumbley, who wanted to raise awareness of the low market value prices farmers were receiving for their lambs across the country, whilst raising high quality stock for the meat.
Sadly, prices are still low and there are increasing pressures on many lamb producers with the shortage in labour, fall out from the pandemic and low domestic consumption of lamb.
In Northamptonshire we have an abundance of lamb producers. According to the National Farmers Union, there are approximately 292,000 sheep in the county. Meanwhile farmers farm 77% of the county’s land area and 69% of which is involved in some form of countryside stewardship or environmental scheme.
So why don’t we take advantage of these local producers and eat lamb? Worth around £2.5 billion to the national economy, and has potential both at home and abroad, according to NFU livestock board chairman Richard Findlay who spoke out about the campaign; “British sheep farmers produce some of the finest quality lamb in the world. What’s more, sheep farmers are proud to say that they have some of the most sustainable systems, using natural resources and landscapes – landscapes which are often unsuitable for other types of food production – to turn inedible grass into a tasty, nutritious protein.’’
Throughout the county there are an array of independent meat producers, farm shops and microbusinesses selling locally raised lamb. From your Barnsley chop to your lamb and mint burger or a simple roasting joint, lamb has so much versatility and flavour.
Weetabix Northamptonshire Food and Drink Awards finalist The Elliott family of Noborough Lodge Farm Shop on the outskirts of Daventry, produce a range of native breeds of sheep including Romneys, Lleyns and Polled Dorset. These breeds are perfectly suited for the UK climate and great converters of grass to meat.
And when it comes to the eating, why not have a go at making a lamb curry or stew using some spices from fellow Weetabix Northamptonshire Food and Drink award winner Bite Me Spices.
Bite Me Spices have over 75 spice blends available on their online shop so you’ll be spoilt for choice with the options available to pep up a mealtime favourite.
A recipe which combines lamb from Elliotts Butchers and Ras El Hanout blend from Bite Me Spices is an aromatic Moroccan lamb stew using dried apricots and sweet potato. Have a look at this recipe from the No Fuss Meals for Busy Parents food blog:
You can find more information on the Love Lamb Week campaign and tasty lamb recipes here:
#LoveLamb #LoveLambWeek
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